Our Quest to change our lives began in Feb. 2010 and we lost 224 lbs. We slowly gained a lot of that weight back and we're now on another journey for weight loss and better health using Bright Line Eating. This is the story of our continuing Journey. .
(For the fullest effect, begin at the beginning in Feb. 2010 using our Blog Archive on sidebar)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Twas the Day(s) after Christmas....

We had a wonderful, cozy Christmas as a family in our new home.  Brent had a couple days off and we goofed off and even went to a new frozen yogurt place and all splurged on our own concoctions!

I have to say, that this Christmas time, I gave myself permission to indulge a little with some of the sweets and yummy treats that were around.  Last year I was in "weight loss" mode and stayed true to the plan, so this year I decided to allow myself some freedoms.

BUT... I have learned that I am apt to take TOO much freedom and I have the tendency to become like a child left alone in a candy store.

I am now back ON PLAN and it's amazing how I suddenly feel more in control and even more of a sense of security of knowing the path that I'm on.  It really is like hopping onto another path.  I already feel more energy from eating better and even more cheerful.  In the past, I would have ignored those feelings of over-indulgence and rationalized them away and continued to overeat.  I'm so grateful for what I've learned!!

I really like this poem I read and it seems to fit perfectly:

T’was The Day After Christmas
(By Delia McLaughlin)

T’was the day after Christmas, I had put on 10 lbs
By eating the food that was always around.
My stockings were tight, the seams they were busting,
From the constant barrage of food I was lusting.

My husband and children whose clothes were snug too
Pleaded with me to try something new.
The only thing that fit was my stretch stocking cap
And between my shirt and my pants there was a huge gap.

I had endlessly and repeatedly licked every platter
And never before had it really even mattered.
I avoided all mirrors, ran by them in a dash
So I just couldn’t see the tight fitting sash.

Tired of wearing those triple X sizes,
I had to do something as the scale number rises.
When a friend offered to help me, I shouted
“GIVE ME RELIEF from the munchies” resounded.

When relief came, it was so incredibly quick,
And now I no longer feel lethargic and sick.
I began losing the weight without all the strife
Because my health coach introduced me to Take Shape For Life!

Now pancakes and brownies, chili and eggs,
I’m beginning to see the bones in my legs!
Oatmeal, sloppy Joes, nacho cheese puffs
That health coach of mine really knows her stuff!

This eating small meals every 3 hours
Has helped me lose weight and now I encounter
Compliments from everywhere imaginable
It’s so unreal – almost unfathomable!

The fat is melting – it seems to go POOF!
And the energy I’ve gained has gone through the roof!
The sizes get smaller as the scale shows less
And now my health is no longer a mess.

My eating is healthier; I’ve changed the bad habits
And the weight I’ve lost won’t be recounted!
For my lifestyle is changing – my food choices now healthy
And used for refueling, not making me like jelly.

My eyes now twinkle and I’m truly so happy
That I want all my friends to join me real snappy
So we will all reach that healthy goal weight
And enjoy this new feeling I’m having today.

For the first time in decades, I like my new self
And breathing is easier when I put on my belt.
Mirrors are now my next new best friend
Admiring the new shape and curves that extend.

Try as I did for too many years
Without much success and a whole lot of tears
Losing weight has been easy
With a program that teaches.

Now I’m teaching others so they can lose too
And get slim and healthy in Twenty One Two.
Let’s journey together to a thinner new you
So next year you will be happier too.

I'm Excited for 2012!  I'm excited to do NEW things!  Life is good!
Just 3 more days left of 2011.  What kind of year has it been for you?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What YOU gonna do in 2012?

Hi friends!  So our party last Saturday went GREAT!  We had over 30 people come and had just enough seating for everyone. (whew!)
The White Elephant Game was a riot!  
For some people, hosting a party is stressful, but for me, it's like a "fun energy" that I love!  I'm SO THANKFUL we have a home that can accommodate a get-together like that.  
I think it really helped us to have this party to get to know our neighbors around here... they all knew each other and it was us that got to see their personalities more in a laid back setting.  It was good!

So have you thought about what you want to accomplish or do in 2012?

I have been thinking about it.  First, we live in this great little valley, and every day I see this mountain.  You can see our group of home down there at the bottom of it. 

The other day I decided that I want to climb that mountain!  I don't know the name of it, but next summer when it's warmer, I'm gonna climb it!  You wanna come climb it with me?
 I can't wait to see the other side and take pictures.  I want to look at that mountain and know that I conquered it!

Next, I did a crazy thing!  
I signed up to run a 1/2 marathon next May in Oregon!!!
 AAAAAHHHHHKKKKK!!!  I feel so crazy.  Alive and Crazy!
I've only run a 5k and that's like 3 miles.  A half marathon is 13 miles.  I am striving to be a rockstar like my friend, Jennifer, who just ran a half marathon not that long ago.  I haven't even been running for a while so I have tons of training to do!

Also, I am going to do some indoor rock climbing!  I have only tried it once several months ago but loved it.  I posted a video of me climbing here.  

I recently got a groupon deal to go unlimited for 2 weeks and I plan to do that sometime early next year.  How fun is that!!

Another thing I want to do sometime in 2012 is to ride a horse!  I never have done that and even if I wanted to, I was always too heavy.  I want to do everything I couldn't do before due to my weight.  

And of course, I want to maintain my weight and keep a healthy lifestyle.  I look forward to biking when it gets warmer too.  And boy do I miss playing basketball like I was with some awesome women back in Oregon.  Maybe I can find some here that would want to play with me.  It can be hard to get people out of their comfort zones... I already tried to get someone to rock climb with me.  But I'm not going to let that stop me from doing those things I'd like to do!  I'm going to defy gravity!!

I still feel so blessed and so thankful to be out of my prison.  I cry when I hear the song on my video below... I don't want to ever forget where I've been.  Freedom from the bondage of obesity is the most liberating and joyful feeling ever for me!  No going back!!
It's NEVER too late to change for the better. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's December!

Happy December!!
It’s happy because we make it happy, right?  
My friend from Oregon sent me a book after a phone conversation we had where I shared how lonely I felt here... 
I had to laugh when I read the title:

It’s by an author that I’ve even met!  She’s fun and witty and it has been a nice little read... reminding me that I have the power to overcome and that I can be happy despite my circumstances.  
So Brent and I decided to throw a Christmas Party here.  It’s this saturday and so far we have about 30 people rsvp that they are coming.  Should be way fun!  I love party’s and this one includes white elephants and some fun games.  I hope to get to know more people and laugh a whole lot in the process!  (But not laugh at them, mind you - I’ll laugh next to them!)
I had a dream the other night that I went majorly off plan and ate a bunch of stuff I shouldn’t and was feeling so bad... then I woke up and realized it was a dream!  Yay!!!  I didn’t even have to go there because it didn’t happen.  
Don’t you just LOVE the feeling this time of year?  The smiles from friends, the Christmas Music, the good-feeling shows on TV.  I am determined to NOT make it about merchandise and shopping.  I told my kids that we’re going to have a service auction in our family and to be thinking about acts of service they will want to contribute.  They seem upbeat about this.  My goal is to really bring in the Spirit of Christ and make it about Him.  I am feeling anti-santa this year.  Too much Santa... maybe it’s just me but  I just don’t see how encouraging my kids to think of everything they want helps them be kind, unselfish people...  I still love gift giving, it's just I get tired of seeing and hearing about Santa more than who's birth we're really celebrating!
Okay, I’ll get off my soapbox.  I am also determined to stay ON PLAN through the holiday’s.  I’ve done this before.  I know it’s about focussing on loved ones and not the food.  I will give myself options and not be so rigid that I encourage a binge, but mostly I need to keep away from high sugar foods.  Hello knox blox!!  lol  How do you plan to handle your eating choices this month?
Here are some Really Good Tips from Dr. Anderson (co-founder of Take Shape For Life) that I thought were valuable to share.  Note the 3 possible ways of dealing with weight loss this season - #3 is NOT an option for me:
Here are some tips to help you. Just think of the Habits of Health!
  • Work closely with your Health Coach. Contact them at least once a week.
  • Get clear on what you want: read chapter 4 in “Dr A’s Habits of Health” 
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Schedule your time: before you go to sleep each night, make a list of things to do for tomorrow. Don’t forget to schedule some quiet time for yourself, even if it is just a 15 minute walk or reading time! Also, get some exercise time in. Again, it can be as simple as a 15 or 30 minute walk.
  • Be aware of your financial budget and stick to it.
  • Decrease stress and your exposure to disease: practice good health hygiene such as good hand washing and being aware of people around you. Try to decrease your exposure to sick people!
Weight Loss During This Time
You have 3 possible ways of dealing with your weight goals during this busy time.
  1. Stay on program. Whether on the 5 & 1 weight loss program, transition or maintenance, follow the outlined protocols. This can bring a sense of control to you during this sometimes busy, chaotic time. If you are on the 5 & 1 weight loss phase, you will continue fat burning. This can enable you to have increased energy, positive weight loss results, and level blood sugars and hormone levels through the holidays!
  2. Decide to drop out of fat burn and use a 3 & 3 program, more of a maintenance program. This can help prevent binge eating and major weight gain. You may lose the increased energy of fat burn, but if you are eating healthy choices and portions every 2-3 hours and getting adequate nutrition as well as sleep, you should have enough energy to get through your schedule. Remember, if you have any weight loss, it will be slow. (Read chapters 8, 9, & 10 in “Dr A’s Habits of Health” and do Lesson 9 in “Living a Longer, Healthier Life.”)
  3. Practice “no control, no focus”: you will most likely experience weight gain and many other symptoms of an un-healthy eating plan. Most likely you will have decrease energy and feelings of lethargy or tiredness. If prone, you may experience headaches and may have stomach discomfort. Your body will be exposed to greater stress and inflammation. Your blood sugar levels may have major swings. You will not be in a fat burning state.
What are your plans for the holidays?  I’d love to hear your ideas.
Life is GOOD.  XOXox ~Margene

Friday, December 2, 2011

Check Out My New Video

What a GREAT time to change your life!  Where will you be next year?