
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Negative Thinking

I was thinking this week, how detrimental negative thinking can be.  It starts out so small, just something tiny and then it can so easily build from there and before you know it, you have this whole scenario or view that is NOT based on truth or reality - but just what you negatively THOUGHT it was.  It is so easy when you are stressed or feeling bad, to assume negative intentions in things that other people do or say.

I can see how this has been a hinderence in my life.  It's like there is this catalyst that happens and affects how I think, how I feel, how I handle situations, and choices I make.  Then when I made unhealthy food choices, it draws me farther away from positive energy, truth, and self-confidence.

I believe for me this boils down to staying close to God.  To having His Spirit in my daily life.  

I had a situation recently that took me from my fun, happy self, to a very low, dark place.  After a while, the situation did get resolved and sweet peace did come.  Sweet relief and thankfulness!!  Yet, as I reflect back on this, I can see how I separated myself from HIS help.  This is how it was for me:

Lack of His Spirit --> Hurt Feelings and/or Feeling Offended --> Negative Thinking --> Bad Choices

Bad choices in food, seem to keep me more away from having God's Spirit with me.  It's like it separates me further.  Everything about our health is connected spiritually as well, I truly believe.  So I make some bad food choices and before I know it, I start thinking things like:  I can't control this, Things are too hard, I feel so yucky, I don't want to do this, I don't feel like doing any work, I feel so ugly, I have no friends, no one likes me, I feel alone, I can't help my situation, There's no way to change things, etc.

The TRUTH is...

I CAN Control my life.  

It's like the first things that goes in this situation is the faith that I have a choice... it's like the adversary wants me to feel that I am helpless and it's too hard for me to control. 
 THIS Is what kept me obese for so many years.

I am grateful that I can recognize this in my life.  And when those thoughts tempt me, I remind myself that:

I AM in Charge of my Life 

I ALWAYS Have a Choice!

I CAN Make Better Choices

This Moment Does NOT Define Me

I Decide What Defines Me

For me, what is MOST important is that I stay close to my Heavenly Father 
and rely on Him EVERY SINGLE DAY.

This is what helps me stay positive and endure the trials that I face.  

For me, it about prayer, scripture study, and service.
THEN making good choices is easier, and I feel better and I can overcome!  
So this is how I aim to be:

Seek His Spirit --> Be Grateful --> Think Positively & Assume the Best --> Good Choices

That's my thought for the day.  Life is GOOD!!  
Blessings to you, my reader.
XoXOXo ~Margene